Wednesday, 21 May 2014

The computing half of this blog

My name is Muhammad Ahmed , and I will be coming up with stuff that will be associated with computing and programming .

I have stumbled upon studying computer code , as a means to understand how other things in nature work. One thing is true , and you cannot negate it . The universe is an astute example of a code , so nicely written , so error free , and so mature and so incredibly complex that it would take 22 infinite years for us to get a hand on that.

However what I do is small what similar , just scale it down to a millionith of a micrometer. I program computers. This way I get to appreciate the fact that just moving one bit from one register to another (assembly days) took so much efforts, what would it be like to write a code that would implement the water cycle ? .

Or what if I have to write a system of self conversation , or write a system which controls the clouds , the storms , the hurricanes such that there is no error , and all storms happen organically , rather then in a artificially created way dictated by a mathametical equation .
What if I were to write a code that implements a tree from its life to death and implementing methods like createFruit() and invokePhotosynthesis() ?.

I cherish this. But what do I get from that ?. I get a reassurance about the power of the tool I use. I know for a fact that there is a code for the tree; I cannot write that because I am not such a Programmer however I can do other trivial tasks. This is the same feeling a toddler would get , when he attempts to create a car out his legos . He knows that at his age , at 3 years old he can never create a car, yet the fasicination of creating objects with his blocks doesn't cease to be . 

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